Saturday, September 7, 2013

How can I view other folks' posts and for whom exactly is this course?

I'm still trying to figure out this whole MOOC thing. I like when we receive an email with a whole list of people's posts, but am trying to figure out how I can see some of those posts without having the email handy. Can I only view those posts when invited to view them or when they come in the long list?

I was hoping this course was for those who don't have a whole lot of Internet experience, other than blogging or running a business online. Is this course just totally geared to people who teach online through universities and colleges? Or can those of us who want to learn Internet business techniques benefit?


Friday, September 6, 2013

Next question?

In order to share with folks in the course, will we have access to emails or just reply to their blogposts?

Why Am I Here?

I want to learn new skills. I have an online local news source business, but I also want to create a course useful for folks in my field—journalism. I love learning new things, and I love challenges. This seemed like a wonderful thing to challenge my aging brain. I hope I'm not the only "old" lady here - of an age when I SHOULD be retired, but am having too much fun with my business.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

My first achievement

Although I'm sorry about missing last night's webinar, because somehow I didn't know about it, I did figure out today how to follow people, so Norene and Jenn I think I'm following you.

I hope somebody somehow will soon discover me, because I don't know how to "get out there: Hello! It's me, why doesn't anyone see me?"

Mary Alice

Why didn't I know about a class yesterday?

And why are my posts not showing up in the list of posts?

Sunday, September 1, 2013

how many times do I have to do this?

I've followed instructions, but nothing is showing up!

Hoping MOOC course at UH will get me started

I have quite a bit of information gathered to start an online course, but I haven't known exactly where to start. I hope this will kickstart things.


Hoping this course will get me started with a course online

I'm getting ready to sign up for an online MOOC course at the University of Hawaii. This is my test blog.